SELECT ART.ID_Article, MATCH(ART.ART_Auteur) AGAINST ('+ganss* ' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS Poids, ART_TempsReappro FROM article ART, view_article VIA, architecture_article ARA, declinaison_article DEA WHERE DEA.ID_Article = ART.ID_Article AND ART.ID_Article = VIA.ID_Article AND ARA.ID_Article = ART.ID_Article AND ART_Diffusion = '1' AND (MATCH(ART_Auteur) AGAINST ('+ganss* ' IN BOOLEAN MODE)) GROUP BY ART.ID_Article HAVING Poids > 0 ORDER BY Vte6M DESC, ART_AnneeParution DESC, ART_MoisParution DESC Les livres de l'auteur ganss sur Unithèque.com

Les livres de l'auteur ganss

Erosive Tooth Wear
From Diagnosis to Therapy
Editeur :
Collection :
Année : 07/2014

2nd, revised and extended edition

Erosive tooth wear is a multifactorial condition of growing concern to the clinician and the subject of extensive research. Since the publication of the first edition of the book with the title Dental Erosion, new knowledge for a better understanding of this important subject has been gathered. [lire la suite]

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