SELECT ART.ID_Article, MATCH(ART.ART_Auteur) AGAINST ('+stephen* +wallace* ' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS Poids, ART_TempsReappro FROM article ART, view_article VIA, architecture_article ARA, declinaison_article DEA WHERE DEA.ID_Article = ART.ID_Article AND ART.ID_Article = VIA.ID_Article AND ARA.ID_Article = ART.ID_Article AND ART_Diffusion = '1' AND (MATCH(ART_Auteur) AGAINST ('+stephen* +wallace* ' IN BOOLEAN MODE)) GROUP BY ART.ID_Article HAVING Poids > 0 ORDER BY Vte6M DESC, ART_AnneeParution DESC, ART_MoisParution DESC Les livres de l'auteur stephen wallace sur Unithèque.com

Les livres de l'auteur stephen wallace

Maxillary Sinus Surgery and Alternatives in Treatment
Editeur :
Année : 03/2009

Testori, Del Fabbro, (both dentistry, U. of Milan, Italy), Weinstein (dentistry, Orthopedic Institute Galeazzi, Milan) and Wallace's (dentistry, New York U.) text evolved from a November 2001 maxillary sinus surgery conference held in Montecatini by the Italian Society of Oral Surgery. [lire la suite]

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