SELECT ART.ID_Article, MATCH(ART.ART_Auteur) AGAINST ('+ulrike* +uhlmann* ' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS Poids, ART_TempsReappro FROM article ART, view_article VIA, architecture_article ARA, declinaison_article DEA WHERE DEA.ID_Article = ART.ID_Article AND ART.ID_Article = VIA.ID_Article AND ARA.ID_Article = ART.ID_Article AND ART_Diffusion = '1' AND (MATCH(ART_Auteur) AGAINST ('+ulrike* +uhlmann* ' IN BOOLEAN MODE)) GROUP BY ART.ID_Article HAVING Poids > 0 ORDER BY Vte6M DESC, ART_AnneeParution DESC, ART_MoisParution DESC Les livres de l'auteur ulrike uhlmann sur Unithèque.com

Les livres de l'auteur ulrike uhlmann

Dentistry for Kids
Rethinking your daily practice
Auteur : Ulrike UHLMANN
Editeur :
Année : 05/2020

The practice of pediatric dentistry requires a broad knowledge of dentistry, orthodontics, nutritional sciences, and last but not least, psychology. The goal is to enable our young patients to live with the healthiest teeth possible, and this involves understanding how to embrace the opportunity, challenge, and responsibility of ensuring an ideal start for even the tiniest of our patients. [lire la suite]

98,00 €
Disponible expédié
sous 4 à 8 jours

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