Advanced CBCT for Endodontics - quintessence publishing - 9780867157208 -
Advanced CBCT for Endodontics  

Advanced CBCT for Endodontics
Technical Considerations, Perception, and Decision-Making

This book encourages endodontists to develop a sound technical and theoretical understanding of CBCT. The authors compare the capabilities of modern CBCT imaging with traditional radiography and also present vital information about image interpretation and perception to increase competence and confidence in CBCT interpretation and minimize overdiagnosis and subsequent overtreatment.
[lire le résumé du livre]

Auteur : 

Editeur :  Quintessence Publishing

Date parution :  (1ère édition)

Reliure :
Nbr de pages :
Poids :
1660 gr
ISBN 10 :
ISBN 13 :
148,00 €
Disponible expédié
sous 4 à 8 jours

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This book encourages endodontists to develop a sound technical and theoretical understanding of CBCT. The authors compare the capabilities of modern CBCT imaging with traditional radiography and also present vital information about image interpretation and perception to increase competence and confidence in CBCT interpretation and minimize overdiagnosis and subsequent overtreatment.

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Sommaire et contenu du livre "Advanced CBCT for Endodontics - Technical Considerations, Perception, and Decision-Making"

Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Technical Considerations with Cone Beam Imaging
Chapter 3. Perception and Cognition
Chapter 4. Decision-Making in Radiology
Chapter 5. Implementing CBCT in Endodontic Practice

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