Medicine and Surgery of Camelids - wiley - 9781119583240 -
Medicine and Surgery of Camelids 

Medicine and Surgery of Camelids

A thoroughly updated new edition of the classic veterinary reference In the newly revised Fourth Edition of Medicine and Surgery of Camelids, accomplished veterinary surgeon, Dr. Andrew J. Niehaus delivers a comprehensive reference to all aspects of camelid medicine and surgery.The book covers general husbandry, restraint, nutrition, diagnosis, anesthesia, surgery, and the treatment [...]
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Auteur : 

Editeur : Wiley

Date parution :  (4ème édition)


Reliure :
Nbr de pages :
Dimension :
28,2 x 22,4 x 3,6 cm
Poids :
1854 gr
ISBN 10 :
ISBN 13 :
227,00 €
Disponible expédié
sous 4 à 8 jours

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Quel est le sujet du livre "Medicine and Surgery of Camelids"

A thoroughly updated new edition of the classic veterinary reference In the newly revised Fourth Edition of Medicine and Surgery of Camelids, accomplished veterinary surgeon, Dr. Andrew J. Niehaus delivers a comprehensive reference to all aspects of camelid medicine and surgery.

The book covers general husbandry, restraint, nutrition, diagnosis, anesthesia, surgery, and the treatment of specific diseases veterinarians are likely to encounter in camelid patients. Although the focus of the text remains on llamas and alpacas, camel-specific information has received more attention than in previous editions with a chapter dedicated to old-world camelids. The editor revitalizes the emphasis on evidence-based information and pathophysiology and draws on the experience of expert contributors to provide up-to-date and authoritative material on nutrition, internal medicine, and more.

A classic text of veterinary medicine, this latest edition comes complete with high-quality color photographs and access to a companion website that offers supplementary resources. Readers will also find: A thorough introduction to the general biology and evolution of camelids, as well as their husbandry and handlingComprehensive explorations of camelid physical exams, diagnostics, anesthesia, pain management, and surgeryTopical discussions arranged by body system including the integumentary system, the musculoskeletal system and multisystem disordersChapters dedicated to camelid radiology, parasitology, and diagnostic clinical pathologyIn-depth examinations of camelid toxicology, neonatology, and congenital diseases Perfect for veterinary specialists and general practitioners, Medicine and Surgery of Camelids will also earn a place in the libraries of veterinary students and trainees with an interest in camelids.

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