Maxillary Sinus Surgery and Alternatives in Treatment - quintessence publishing - 9781850971702 -
Maxillary Sinus Surgery and Alternatives in Treatment  

Maxillary Sinus Surgery and Alternatives in Treatment

Testori, Del Fabbro, (both dentistry, U. of Milan, Italy), Weinstein (dentistry, Orthopedic Institute Galeazzi, Milan) and Wallace's (dentistry, New York U.) text evolved from a November 2001 maxillary sinus surgery conference held in Montecatini by the Italian Society of Oral Surgery. Written for practitioners and students, it brings together recent scientific discoveries and [...]
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Editeur :  Quintessence Publishing

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 Bilingue : Français | Anglais

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201,00 €
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Testori, Del Fabbro, (both dentistry, U. of Milan, Italy), Weinstein (dentistry, Orthopedic Institute Galeazzi, Milan) and Wallace's (dentistry, New York U.) text evolved from a November 2001 maxillary sinus surgery conference held in Montecatini by the Italian Society of Oral Surgery.

Written for practitioners and students, it brings together recent scientific discoveries and innovative clinical protocols, along with the possible alternatives to maxillary sinus augmentation techniques.

The text's 23 chapters are a collaborative effort of the four primary authors and 26 additional specialists from Italy, the U.S., and Beirut. Coverage includes anatomy, otorhinolaryngological implications and bone healing, diagnosis, surgery, and patient-monitory.

The surgical procedures are presented with the support of basic scientific knowledge and other medical specialties related to maxillary sinus surgery; endoscopic, radiological, anesthesia and conscious sedation techniques are all represented in the form of operational protocols. Illustrated with b&w and full-color photographs and diagrams.

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Sommaire et contenu du livre "Maxillary Sinus Surgery and Alternatives in Treatment"

1. Introduction and Background

2. Anatomy of the Maxillary Sinus

3. Otorhinolaryngological Contraindications in Augmentation of the Maxillary Sinus

4. The Role of Endoscopy in Maxillary Sinus Augmentation. Indications for Endoscopic Surgery to Optimize Sinus Functions

5. Biologic and Biomechanical Basis of Bone Healing and Osseointegration of Implants in Sinus Grafts

6. The Role of CT Scans in Maxillary Sinus Augmentation Surgery

7. Maxillary Atrophy: Classification and Surgical Protocols

8. Anesthesia Techniques for Sinus Augmentation Surgery. Conscious Sedation Using Midazolam

9. Clinical Indications for Different Types of Graft Material

10. Histologic and Clinical Results of Sinus Floor Augmentation with Bone Substitutes

11. Bioglass in Oral Surgery

12. Surgical Procedures: Lateral Window Approach

13. Alternatives to Sinus Floor Augmentation

14. Piezoelectric Surgery. Maxillary Sinus Augmentation Techniques

15. Maxillary Sinus Augmentation Crestal Techniques

16. Autogenous Bone Harvesting Techniques from Intraoral Sites

17. Autogenous Bone Harvesting Techniques from Extraoral Sites: Iliac Crest, Calvaria, Fibula and Tibia

18. The Use of Platelet Rich Plasma in Maxillary Sinus Augmentation. Biologic Principles and Clinical Studies

19. Complications: Diagnosis and Management

20. Systematic Review of the literature on Maxillary Sinus Augmentation Associated with Implantation Procedures

21. Future Developments in Maxillary Sinus Surgery

22. Advanced Imaging Techniques in Sinus Surgery

23. Appendix: Collection of Clinical Records, Files, Patient Monitoring and Data Reporting

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